Head of the School Valentin G. Kolobrdov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, State Prize Laureate of Ukraine,

In 1979, on the initiative of the Ministry of Defense Industry of the USSR, on the basis of the instrument-making faculty of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute together with the Arsenal plant (Kiev), a branch research laboratory for the development of special-purpose optoelectronic systems was set up.

In 1980 - 1986, several complex scientific and technical developments were carried out in the field of the creation of aerial and tank sighting and survey complexes commissioned by the Arsenal plant and Krasnogorsk mechanical plant (Krasnogorsk). The head of the work was the associate professor of the chair of optical devices Valentin G. Kolobrrodov. Subsequently, these works were continued in the direction of creating a calculation tool for the development of thermo-military equipment military purposes - aerospace, ground and sea based and laid the basis of domestic thermal imaging instrumentation. Sustainable developments were also carried out in the field of methodological and hardware measurement of the characteristics of thermal imagers and space optoelectronic observation systems.


In fact, in the middle of the 90's, a scientific school, headed by Valentin G. Kolobrrodov, arose at the Department of Optical Devices and in the branch research laboratory.

At the end of the 20th century, within the framework of the scientific school, three interrelated directions were formed:

  • thermal imaging systems and technologies,
  • research of human visual perception,
  • diffraction optics and image processing.

  • Collaborative projects were performed with Germany, the USA, Greece, China. For more than 20 years of history, three generations of researchers have grown up within the school. Today, the school team consists of more than 40 active researchers, lecturers, postgraduates and students. Among them there are 8 doctors of technical sciences, 17 candidates of technical sciences.

    The most powerful direction is the development of thermal imaging systems for various purposes. The developed technical solutions, the methodology of design, methods and equipment for attestation and control of parameters of thermal imagers have been introduced in domestic developments in Russia, China.

    Currently, the scientific thermal education school of Professor Kolobrdov is generally recognized in Ukraine and well-known in the world. An example of this is the fact that the initiative of the French side at Universite du Maine University was open training of engineers of optoelectronic technology on the basis of the work of the team of the school. The results of research on human visual activity and image processing in microscopes were introduced into commercial objects protected by valid US patents.